(15)Zinc deficiency causes a variety of health problems.

Zinc deficiency causes a variety of health problems.

Zinc, which is found in meat and seafood, is another mineral that is essential for good health. Zinc is identified as a cofactor in over 300 enzymes and it stimulates cell proliferation and protein synthesis, therefore, lacking in zinc reduces cell proliferation and lowers metabolism, which then can lead to a variety of health problems.

Zinc deficiency can lead to a taste disorder known as dysgeusia. On the upper surface of the tongue, there are taste receptor cells known as "taste buds". These cells regenerate frequently but the activity reduces when zinc is deficient, which causes dysgeusia.

Taste disorders can lead to an excessive intake of salt and sugar that may trigger lifestyle diseases. As sperm and eggs are reproductive tissues, zinc deficiency can interfere with sperm formation and affect the development of eggs. It can also cause dermatitis, delays in wound healing and a weakening of the immune system.

To help prevent these symptoms, it is important to eat foods that contain zinc on a regular basis. Foods rich in zinc include meat, liver, oysters and seaweed. Zinc is better absorbed when taken with vitamin C, therefore it is recommended to eat meat with vegetables, and oysters with lemon.

Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Agriculture Dr. Toshiro Suzuki
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Dr. Toshiro Suzuki


Mar. 1980
Completed Doctoral program in Agricultural Chemistry, Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture (Doctor of Agriculture)
Apr. 1981
Studied at CSIRO (Australia) Division of Food Research Meat Research Laboratory for 2 years
Apr. 1983
Research assistant, Food Processing Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Apr. 2003
Professor, Food Processing Center, Faculty of Applied Biosciences, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Apr. 2007
Transfer of department, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Apr. 2012
Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Mar. 2016
Retired from Tokyo University of Agriculture
Apr. 2016
- Present
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Agriculture

Publications: ""Shokuhin kakou gijyutsu gairon (Introduction to Food Processing Technology)"" (co-author), ""Shokuniku, nikuseihin-no-kagaku (Science of Meat and Meat Products)"" (co-author), etc.

Dated: April 2019