Benefits of eating meat in general

Meat is one of the important foods that are essential for health

Meat is one of the important foods that are essential for health

Eating meat is important for a person to live a healthy life. Beef, pork, and chicken are rich in protein, which consists of 20 different amino acids. Of these, the nine amino acids that can't be produced by the human body are called "essential amino acids."


Foods with a good balance of these amino acids are "high-quality proteins," and animal proteins such as meat and fish are representative. Plant proteins, such as soybeans, are often said to be good for health, but animal proteins are superior in terms of the balance of essential amino acids (amino acid score).

Proteins are used to build muscles and organs. In other words, animal protein is superior in terms of "building the body itself."

Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Agriculture Dr. Toshiro Suzuki
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Dr. Toshiro Suzuki


Mar. 1980
Completed Doctoral program in Agricultural Chemistry, Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture (Doctor of Agriculture)
Apr. 1981
Studied at CSIRO (Australia) Division of Food Research Meat Research Laboratory for 2 years
Apr. 1983
Research assistant, Food Processing Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Apr. 2003
Professor, Food Processing Center, Faculty of Applied Biosciences, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Apr. 2007
Transfer of department, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Apr. 2012
Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Mar. 2016
Retired from Tokyo University of Agriculture
Apr. 2016
- Present
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Agriculture

Publications: ""Shokuhin kakou gijyutsu gairon (Introduction to Food Processing Technology)"" (co-author), ""Shokuniku, nikuseihin-no-kagaku (Science of Meat and Meat Products)"" (co-author), etc.

Dated: April 2019